Domestic Violence

If you are experiencing any of these behaviors please call
Warning signs of Abuse:
- Controlling and manipulative behavior
- Verbal and mental (psychological) abuse
- Past history of abuse
- Making decisions about what you wear, where you go
- Extreme jealousy
- Always wanting to know where you were, or who you were/are with
- Displaying extreme/unreasonable anger about other relationships
- Isolation from family and friends
- Name calling
- Breaking or striking objects
- Destroying a gift given to you by a special relative or friend
- Putting their fist through the wall
- Abandoning you in strange places
- Pushing you out of a moving car
- Threats of violence
- Use of cruelty and force
- Pushing, slapping, hitting, punching, kicking or strangling
Domestic Violence is defined as:
The attempt by one person to control and manipulate another through the use of intimidation, physical force, emotional abuse, financial deprivation, psychological intimidation, sexual violence, assault (the threat of violence) and battery (physical violence). It can happen to anyone. Domestic violence includes any continual act of violence toward an intimate partner or family member. Domestic violence is a crime and must be reported.